Venice, Ca'Sagredo hotel 5°, museum and noble residence on the Grand Canal: 3 Yogalove workshops in 2 days.
In these 3 hour workshops I will introduce you to the magical force of yoga that can truly effect and change your lives. Jivamukti yoga is known as a tool for transformation of body and soul.
DAY 1 (Sun 21.07): SECRETS OF YOGA. May your connection to the Earth be steady and joyful
1. 09:00-12:00 - Connect to Inner Self: feel your body In this workshop we will explore the true purpose of yoga and reconnect with ourselves. Kriyas (purifying) & Pranayama (breath control) will be integrated into the asana practice.
2. 14.00-17:00 - Discover Inner Love: open yourself Finding a healthy balance between flexibility & strength, between openness & vulnerability and stability. From joy all the beings have come & to joy we will all return!
DAY 2 (Mon 22.07): SECRETS OF LOVE.
1. 09:00-12:00 - Transform your Body and Soul: awaken to inner power In this workshop we will reach the major transformation through chanting and asana and what it means to connect, reflect, understand and ultimate love. Chakra Tuning Class.
I highly recommend to book the whole immersion for the major experience. All workshops are inter connected. Limited spaces per workshop. Language - English, Italian ( on request). All levels.
The most beautiful hotel rooms in Venice in Ca'Sagredo available to the workshop participants for a very special yogic price: 250€ plus IVA 10% Book asap per PM or Via Link in BIO